Our Services

We offer independent and decentralized power production utilizing the Power BlocHz® natural electromagnetic force that has a 0 emission rate and is totally safe for everyday use. Applicable to satisfy any commercial or community requirements for green electricity at any location on the planet.

No Emissions Power Generation
Reliable Renewable Energy

We monitor operate and maintain the Power BlocHz® innovative clean energy technology integration facilities for their lifetime. To produce your own non-intermittent and baseload reliable renewable energy.

Proprietary DC motors, battery packs, synchronous AC generators, power electronics, and inverters convert energy 24/7 as an off-grid power source at the point of use or linked to existing or new utility grids.

Off Grid or Grid Integration
bulb photography
bulb photography

Customer Reviews

Simplixity has revolutionized the way we produce and consume zero emissions CO2 energy. Great news for climate change!
Simplixity has harnessed the perfect unified magnetic force cracking the code for the efficient generation of green and sustainable energy emission-free

What People Say

man facing clouds during golden time
man facing clouds during golden time

Contact Us



Tel: +47 929 98 462